Tuesday, June 4, 2024




2024年5月29日-世界杯官方app School of Art is celebrating a remarkable journey as San Antonio’s destination for affordable, high-quality arts education. 自50年前成立以来,它最初是艺术与建筑系,后来成为艺术与艺术史系, 这所学校, which is housed 在 university’s College of Liberal 和 Fine Arts, has awarded Roadrunners more than 2,700 art 和 art history degrees.

多年来, the School of Art has exp和ed its academic offerings. BB。achelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)和美术硕士学位自1973年成立以来一直提供. 自1980年获得全国艺术与设计学院协会(NASAD)认证以来, 这所学校 has maintained a tradition of 卓越, reflected through successive re-accreditations in 1988, 1998, 2008年和2018年.

“When I arrived in August of 1974, there was no base to start from; there was no art history program at 世界杯官方app. We had to create that curriculum ourselves,” Professor Emeritus 朱迪思, 说. “的 same week they hired me, 我们从目录中订购幻灯片,并将它们拼凑起来,最终成为世界杯官方app未来艺术史项目的初步步骤.”

“的 arts have been a part of 世界杯官方app since the humble beginnings of the university, 和 we are excited to be on a trajectory of growth.”

A student works on a figure drawing during a studio art class 在 1970s. BB。.F.A. 和M.F.A. 1973-1974学年,世界杯官方app开始上课时就提供学位.

In 2022, 世界杯官方app将其项目与西南艺术学院(SSA)的项目结合起来,形成了世界杯官方app西南校区. At that time, the Department of Art 和 Art History became the School of Art. Bringing together the strengths 和 resources of both institutions, 整合使世界杯官方app能够通过增加额外的金属设施来扩大其学术产品, papermaking 和 fiber arts.

Equally as important, 世界杯官方app继续提供以前由SSA提供的那种社区参与机会. 的 university exp和ed the youth arts programs for San Antonians. 世界杯官方app also supports the visual arts through increased programming, exhibitions 和 collaborative projects, 为追求艺术事业的学生提供更全面的教育体验.

的 School of Art’s journey has been deeply entwined with community collaboration. 多年来, 该节目邀请了无数著名的国际艺术家和评论家,包括 彼得扫罗, 戴夫·希Kukuli Velarde. 学校还授予了许多对圣安东尼奥产生深远影响的杰出艺术家和艺术史学家学位, 包括 阿拉娜科茨, Adriana Miramontes达里奥Robleto. 世界杯官方app在其艺术项目和场地之间建立了联盟,包括麦克内艺术博物馆, the San Antonio Art Museum, Artpace, the Blue Star Arts venues 和 the 圣安东尼奥动物园.


Also in 2022, the School of Art 和 the 世界杯官方app School of Music 与该大学的专业和继续教育(PaCE)项目合作成立 世界杯官方app艺术, an organized unit dedicated to community arts education, public-facing performances 和 exhibitions, arts-based research, 和 partnerships to enhance the accessibility of the arts for the public.

“的 arts have been a part of 世界杯官方app since the humble beginnings of the university, 和 we are excited to be on a trajectory of growth. As the founding director of the School of Art, 我专注于指导我们的课程,丰富学生的艺术能力,同时为他们毕业后的成功职业生涯做好准备. Celebrating our 50th year, 我们继续优先考虑装备我们的毕业生在不同的专业环境中茁壮成长,” 利比罗, founding director of the School of Art.

目前, the School of Art, 与世界杯官方app图书馆一起计划举办一场名为“文化赏金:贝克斯特德•勒纳•安娜拉收藏”的合作展览,该展览将重点展示捐赠给该大学永久收藏的新艺术品. 的 exhibition is scheduled to open later this summer.

Learn more about 世界杯官方app艺术.


的 school has celebrated its 50 years with several key events 和 exhibitions, 包括 “Delita Martin: Her Temple of Everyday Familiars,今年春天在世界杯官方app西南校区的罗素·希尔·罗杰斯画廊举行了一次回顾展.

的 School of Music, which is also marking 50 years, 将与艺术学院一起参加今年晚些时候在托宾中心举行的盛大庆祝活动.


世界杯官方app今天 is produced by University Strategic Communications,
the official news source
of 的 University of Texas at San Antonio.

Send your feedback to news@ku88mobi.net.

世界杯官方app今天 is produced by University Communications 和Marketing, the official news source of 的 University of Texas at San Antonio. Send your feedback to news@ku88mobi.net. Keep up-to-date on 世界杯官方app news by visiting 世界杯官方app今天. Connect with 世界杯官方app online at 脸谱网, 推特, YoutubeInstagram.




University of Texas at San Antonio receives ‘transformational’ $40M gift


世界杯官方app下载致力于通过研究和发现来促进知识的发展, teaching 和 learning, community engagement 和 public service. As an institution of access 和 卓越, 世界杯官方app拥有多元文化传统,是智力和创意资源的中心,也是德克萨斯州社会经济发展和知识产权商业化的催化剂, the nation 和 the world.


To be a premier public research university, 提供获得卓越教育的机会,为全球环境培养公民领袖.

世界杯官方app’s Core Values

We encourage an environment of dialogue 和 discovery, 在完整性, 卓越, 包容, 尊重, collaboration 和 innovation are fostered.

世界杯官方app’S Destinations

世界杯官方app是一个骄傲 Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) as designated by the U.S. Department of Education .

Our Commitment to Inclusivity

的 University of Texas at San Antonio, 这是一所西班牙裔服务机构,位于一个全球化的城市,几个世纪以来一直是民族和文化的十字路口, values diversity 和 inclusion in all aspects of university life. 作为一个专门为促进墨西哥裔美国人和其他服务不足社区的教育而设立的机构, our university is committed to promoting access for all. 世界杯官方app, a premier public research university, fosters academic 卓越 through a community of dialogue, discovery 和 innovation that embraces the uniqueness of each voice.